Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Buh Bye, 2013! Hello 2014 and Chrisoncé.com - Chrisoncé Style

I've wanted to get back into the blogging world that I was once part of over two years ago. Time went by and I have been so busy. Working countless hours…who has time, right? But right now I wanted to recap this year. Especially for those who looked up to me when needing guidance and a friend. This was a hard year for many, including myself (financially, personally, professionally). Since coming out of college, it's been difficult trying to find a good paying job to keep up with bills but I am not the only one in the boat who has been having that struggle. And one thing's for sure...I NEVER give up! Overall, 2013 brought good and bad. And here's what I wanted to share...

1. Being Myself: Something I've struggled for a long time with. Finally admitting to myself that I am a gay man is the most beautiful thing in the world. I was definitely always flamboyant, crazy, spontaneous…I hated that word “gay” but I just never really ever talked about it. Not even around my friends. Everyone knows…you know now, too (for those reading this for the first time - trust me, you know when you meet me). But once you just accept WHO you are, you live so much more happily! I stopped caring one day. When I left Residence Life at the end of 2011, I had much more freedom. It was the best thing in the world. I got a car in January 2012, played some of Rihanna’s “Birthday Cake” and I said “F this”. I made sure that senior year spring semester will be my best semester yet. This was probably not the most appropriate thing but it revealed who Chrisonce (to me) was. Chrisonce: About just letting go and not caring. Being yourself and stop trying to be a role model when people already look up to you. When I stopped caring of what others thought about me, I was the happiest man alive! This life is about me, me only. And my friends as well as my family of course. I want them all to be happy but I want myself to be happy first! It's about what is best for yourself and your future. You'll never be happy trying to be someone else. Be proud...be you…LGBT!

2. My Relationship With My Mother: Growing up was probably the hardest thing for me. Sexuality wise, school wise, financial life, trying-to-figure-out-what-to-do-with-my-life-wise, all that stuff. I lost my grandmother who was practically my best friend in March 2000 from cancer and it was one of the hardest things I ever went through. My mother was very young and still is (she is 41) and my teenage years were the toughest I might say. I was a bad kid (to my teachers who are now my friends…I know, you didn’t know this haha) but when I graduated high school, everything changed. I wanted to become president. I applied to the Higher Education Opportunity Program (would have never knew of the program if it weren’t for you, Mrs. Korpics J) and our relationship changed. I moved out finally on my own. I met 12 other new friends (they were mostly all from the city) and was probably the biggest turning point in my life. I lived at the college for 3.5 years and in my last semester, I hated being back home because I wish I was still with my friends but I did what I had to do. Since that time, things have gotten better…yeah, we still fight here and there but who doesn’t right? I love her and she knows it and still helps me out so much! I don‘t have my father in my life but I gotta say for her to be a single mom, she did sure put up with my s#$%! Love you, MOM! 

3. Friendships: So this year I met many new friends. A lot in person, some online. My favorite thing about this year was meeting all of you—you know who you are! Best part is that some of you have become like family to me. Not many people I trust in this world besides myself but I am very grateful tahat 2013 brought you all in my life! Thank you!

4. ZUMBA/ZIN: Making the decision this year to get certified in ZUMBA Fitness, my favorite of all time. I was so inspired by two “grown woman” (Beyonce voice) that I met this year, Shanna Sands-Muigai and Stacey Sands at Golds Gym. I fell in love with their teaching styles. I have to say that there hasn’t been a class I have actually fallen in love until I started taking theirs. And it all started because for some reason, their music was hot, the choreography matched, and I was in love. Love with it ALL. The making of dances, the music, the everything. I said I have to do this. For months I was dragging out to pay for the certification because it was pricey…over $200 smacks! So recently in October, I got certified. I did it. I drove all the way out to Dover, New Jersey and I spent the day (as the only guy too) who got certified in ZUMBA! Now that I am ZIN, all I have been doing is working on my music and choreography. My setlist is just about finished and trying to find a place where I can teach is the hardest because I been so damn busy with working that I can’t catch a break! Keep on a watch…I hope it happens very soon!!! 

5. BOKWA: So with my passion for ZUMBA this year, I was quickly introduced to something new. A new program. Something different and more challenging but a lot of fun as well. My good pal, Shanna Sands-Muigai brought it abouts to the Hudson Valley and since February, she’s started a BOKWA Revolution (she’s not the creator, so don’t get your peeps messed up). She no longer teaches ZUMBA any longer but this new program is going to take over in 2014. Here’s why: you spell out letters, numbers, and shapes with your feet through sign language. It’s amazing. The music is banging and you get an instant workout in 5 minutes from just starting. I am getting certified on January 12th. I cannot wait. I am pumped. Bring it this year cuz I am kicking 2014’s ASS!!!!!!!!

6. A New Weight Loss Goal (35-40lbs): It was five years where I lost 85+lbs. I was heading into my sophomore year of college. I was so happy. I was in the best shape of my life. Since I graduated college, I have been slowly gaining weight back, here and there. Now that I am officially in the fitness world, it’s time to take my life back and it starts with Chrisonce.com. Because I want you to be motivated, to be rejuvenated, and ready to go. Because I don’t want to be where I was in the past. And this year I am not living in the past. The past was the past. Time to start looking forward to a brighter future with a positive outlook. Looking to get to know me more? You can follow me on Twitter: Twitter.com/TheChrisonce, Facebook: Facebook.com/Chrisonce, or Instagram: Cschweitzer. Time to make a difference and it starts today! No look backs as to how it happened…making a difference starts today for a better tomorrow!!!!!

7. A New Job: I started a new position this year with United Healthcare as a Health Advisor. With Healthcare evolving in 2014, I have to say I am truly grateful for what I have learned from this job. This is not what I went to school for but right now I am happy that I do have a full-time job with benefits. Aside from that, I met some pretty damn awesome people there as well … with it being located just about an hour drive back and forth everyday but I have been so much happier since I left my previous position!

8. The Chrisoncé Project/ 9. This Blog: It sounds so funny right…Chrisoncé? Well, he’s my alter ego. He came into the picture in 2009. I didn’t really think I had another side but sometimes I see that there are two Chris’s. There’s Chrisoncé and then there’s Chris Schweitzer. As much as I loved Beyoncé, I seen the other Chris Schweitzer – shy, reserved, and quiet sometimes. Very rare---some of you may disagree but it’s the outright truth. Surprise, Surprise, right? Ha…Chrisonce.com is a new project. I’ve been working on it this year. I wanted it to be a surprise like Beyonce’s new album, Beyonce, and it worked. Over the course of the next two months, I’ll be working very, very long hours. And I’ll be exhausted…so you might only see updates once a week. But thank you for taking the time to read my review of “2013”…hope for sure to see more coming throughout the year! :)

10. Thank You: Thank you all for your true support, for being there, and for being my friends especially those who have been close with me! This is just a beginning. I wanted to start off the New Year with something exciting and I hope I got you to be excited as much as I am!!! I am planning on outlining topics to blog about, with new videos, and things to share with you all as the year progresses. Stay tuned and welcome to Chrisonce.com! :)

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